Jacob Korenblum


Jacob Korenblum is a distinguished figure in enterprise digital strategy, boasting over 15 years of experience in spearheading the development and launch of digital solutions to address real-world challenges across diverse markets in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. His expertise and innovative approaches have garnered attention from prominent media platforms such as The Financial Times, Forbes, Devex, and Scientific American. Currently residing in Toronto, Ontario, his interests include the art of sailing.

His professional journey began with a solid global commitment to social justice and aid programs. After earning his bachelor's Degree, he joined the Education Development Center in Washington, D.C., an organization with a worldwide impact. The center focuses on devising solutions that enhance the quality of life for families in 80 countries, encompassing improved employment opportunities, educational programs, and health services.

Rapidly ascending to a leadership role at the Education Development Center, he assumed the position of director of monitoring evaluation and communications for a project in the Middle East. This role entailed several years of living and working in the region. Upon completing his tenure at the Education Development Center, he embarked on a new chapter with OXFAM, a renowned international non-profit organization. OXFAM is dedicated to aiding over 25 million people annually through programs that promote gender equality, economic opportunities, and climate action. From 2008 to 2010, his responsibilities included visiting impoverished regions in Malawi, India, Haiti, and Kenya to support vital economic initiatives and leading teams in microenterprise assessment projects and mobile technology ventures.

While in the Middle East in the early 2000s, he observed a critical challenge and opportunity for economic liberation in the region: the scarcity of internet access. Reliable internet service could have been more attainable in Palestine for many families due to limited network coverage and high costs. Yet, he noted that approximately 80 percent of the local population owned mobile devices. This trend was similar in numerous developing countries, where high mobile device usage contrasted with limited internet availability. In 2005, recognizing this gap, he co-founded an NPO named Souktel, derived from the Arabic words for "telephone" and "market." The organization's mission was to connect job seekers with employers via SMS, circumventing the need for internet access.


Jacob Korenblum